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Home Packaging bag/film Solution
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High speed code printing solution for a wide range of products, low quantity of individual products, and a large total number of packaging users
Release time:2022-05-17

We have a customer who specializes in traditional Chinese medicine granules. The packaging characteristics of this product are:

There are various product names, approximately over 300; The dosage of each variety varies, with many placing orders of a few tons each time and few placing orders of only a few tens of kilograms each time.

This customer's annual packaging usage is over 40 million. The original supplier was a foreign-funded unit, and their original supply plan was to have one plate roller for each variety, with a minimum order quantity of 1 ton for each variety.

In this way, a situation arises at the supplier's end:

1) In order to prevent confusion in product names and facilitate the search for plate rollers, the supplier has specially created a separate plate library for customers to store their plate rollers;

2) Due to the fact that the order quantity for many varieties of customers is only a few tens of kilograms per order, but according to the requirement of minimum order quantity of 1 ton for intaglio printing, it is generally produced in one go and stored in the supplier's warehouse. According to customer needs, it is then delivered in batches. Finally, due to the customer's storage of too many packaging films at the supplier's side, a finished product warehouse is specially built for the customer to avoid confusion.

Suppliers require finished products stored in their warehouses to be invoiced to customers as soon as they are produced, and payment must be made as soon as the payment period arrives.

3) It is said that customers deposit tens of millions of funds on packaging films in a year for the sake of roller fees and advance payment for goods stored in the supplier's warehouse. However, some packaging films may still be scrapped due to long stacking times.

Based on the problems encountered by our customers, we have developed a very advanced solution and proposed using a high-speed inkjet printer to solve the problem that has troubled them for over a decade.

That is to say, we need to recycle the packaging film without a product name in the standard version of the stock. The product name, date, and other information can be sprayed on later according to the customer's needs using an inkjet printer. The customer can spray as much quantity as they need, which saves printing fees, eliminates the need for plate making for each variety, and avoids confusion. Additionally, it will not cause a backlog of finished products as long as we recycle the stock of 20 tons of standard version, Da Da has greatly liberated the tens of millions of funds that customers have accumulated in packaging, and they no longer need to worry about packaging film in the future.

We are the first company in the soft packaging industry to introduce high-speed eight channel inkjet printers. Many technologies are breakthrough and disruptive, and we have never used them before in the soft packaging industry. However, it is precisely because of our bold attempts that our customers have solved the packaging dilemma once and for all. At the same time, we have also found a novel special market: customers with a large variety, small quantity of single products, but a large total quantity.

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