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Research and development of special packaging materials (shrink film)
Release time:2022-05-17

There is a well-known foreign brand company that they hope we can help them make a special type of shrink film.

Originally, they all imported this type of shrink film from abroad, but due to various reasons such as the epidemic, price, procurement cycle, etc., they were very eager to localize this film.

After communicating with them, we learned that this type of shrink film is not an ordinary shrink film. Firstly, the thickness of the shrink film is very thin, only 35um, while the traditional domestic shrink film thickness is 90um. Secondly, the customer has strict requirements for the heat sealing strength, shrinkage rate, and starting temperature of the shrink film, and also needs to pass road simulation transportation testing.. Their equipment is imported, and the heat sealing temperature is customized for the original imported film. That is to say, the film we produce must fully cover their original imported film in all performance indicators, and the heat sealing window width must exceed their original film, and the cost must be much lower than their original imported film.

We agreed to their request, and after half a year of unremitting efforts, we made the shrink film they wanted and passed their rigorous tests time and time again.

Due to the success of the previous project, the client has gone from initial skepticism to skepticism and now full trust. Now they are looking for us to do another project: hoping that we can help them develop bactericidal shrink films, so that they can lead their competitors in this field.

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